2019-08-19 :: * Reached stage 1000. * Got Shoes of Shrine of Justice and Gold Dragon’s Necklace from random art chests. * Got Gold Dragon. Evolved High Fairy. 2019-08-20 :: * Reached stage 2000. * Bought 2 Dark Priestess with honor coins. Transended High Fairy to +1. Got Elementalist from the VIP “Lucky Chance Event Gift” mail. * Bought all the 5* artifacts from shop. Shop doesn’t have more artifacts to sell. 2019-08-21 :: * Activated quest 26 Slay the Archdragon (KL33). * Transended High Fairy and Elementalist to +2. 2019-08-30 :: * Activated quest 27 Slay the Archdragon 2 (KL41).