- Blade Crossbow: Bad. Basically a worse version of cross
- Diver mines: Base weapon is very bad. Evolution seems to lack damage.
Ode to Castlevania
Alchemy whip: Actually very good. Leave a trail of fire. Evolution is just some fire balls on top. Not much extra. Very strong damage.
Platinum Whip: It's ok. Can be used as a main weapon, but probably need a source of healing or armor. Usable after roughly level 4. The evolution is trash. Basically the base weapon + weak song of mana...
Vibhuti Whip Not good as a main weapon. Pretty weak in the beginning, but becomes somewhat usable around level 4. The base weapon needs healing/armor even at max level. Evolution is ok. Doesn't seem to scale with area.
Sonic whip Pretty good. Requires some skill to use well in the beginning. Evolution is kinda bad. Very directional.
Dragon water whip Pretty strong in the beginning. Evolution has limited range but not bad. The rain can hold off early enemies, but not later waves.
- Globus: Acts similar to rune tracer. Extremely weak at the beginning. Ok at max level. Evolution is trash.
- The wolf heads: Pretty strong. If you get one of them, you'll be offered the other two in level ups. Evolution is very directional, but very strong.
- Trident: pretty meh, only attack horizontally, and only to the facing direction. Evolved damaged is pretty good.
- Mace: basically a better King Bible. Good.
Star Flail: It's an ok side weapon, not a great main weapon. You'll have a hard time in the beginning. Need full CD to work. Evolution is good, not great.
Silver Revolver: It's ok. Usable after level 5. Doesn't work with Heart of Fire??. Evolution is still very directional, but good damage, and very fancy. But in practice pretty bad...
- Tyrfing: Actually pretty good.